For the March meeting at work, I decided to make something Irish for St. Patrick's Day. I grabbed the cookbook
Best of Irish Home Baking by Biddy White Lennon that I had purchased in Ireland in 2005. Going through the recipes I came across Kerry Apple Cake and gave it a try.
First thing, don't follow the mixing directions. They are hopeless. Mix the sugar, butter, and egg and then put in the flour. I ended up putting in an extra egg to get anything resembling dough. I have a sneaking suspicion that large apples in Ireland are a bit smaller than apples in the U.S. It took awhile to get the apples mixed in. Apple pieces were flying out of my Kitchen Aid mixer left and right - even with the bowel shield on.
For the topping, the recipe only calls for a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon or nutmeg or cloves. I put in 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg plus a bit of cardamon.
This cake was delicious!